Final Project – Career Exploration (Due: October 20th ) Thisassignment allows you to investigate one career in public healththat interests you and fits your personality (see assignment inModule 2). You will submit your presentation on Canvas. You willalso post your findings to your classmates in the form of a visualpresentation on Final Project- Career Exploration Discussion Boardand . Your presentation can be in the format of a powerpoint,video, animoto, prezi, etc. Assignment (to be submitted on CanvasAND posted in Final Project Discussion Board by Oct 20th Step 1:Select a Public Health Profession from the list provided in “CareerExploration – Student Career Assignment” to explore. Send your toptwo choices from the list to Professor Hammond. Step 2: Interview aprofessional working in your selected area of public health. Fromthe interview, gather the following information and include in yourpresentation: A brief biography of the professional (including, butnot limited to, a brief background, schooling, credentials andbasic job description) An explanation of what drew this person totheir occupation or what they were doing before they began thisoccupation. (5 points) How this person uses social determinants ofhealth in their work (5 points) How this person utilizes two of thefollowing in their work to improve health of patients or communitymembers (10 points) health policy social and behavioralinterventions health communication/information Where they learnedthe skills/knowledge to be successful in their career. (5 points)(5-7 slides) Step 3: Select, research and present a public healthissue that interests you. Your presentation should include: *Factors contributing to the public health issue – consider socialdeterminants of health (10 points) * Prevalence of the issue in thestate of Maryland and the United States (2-4 slides) Step 4:Connecting public health issue to professional work *Describe howyour selected profession may address this health issue (this may bein more than one way –ie. Prevention, treatment or management ofthe health issue in clients or populations) (10 points) (2 slides)Step 5: Summarize your Research and Interview *Include finalthoughts on the career and how it relates to your interests andskills *How will you use what you learned in future studies orwork? (1 slide) Step 6: Cite Your Sources! *Provide a referencepage/s at the end of your presentation

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