For each of the descriptions below, identify the studydesign. Choose only one study design perdescription: ecologic, cross-sectional, case-control,retrospective cohort or prospective cohort.

  1. To discover if maternal smoking during pregnancy increased therisk of childhood asthma during the first seven years of life,58,841 infants were followed from birth until their seventhbirthdays. The incidence of childhood asthma was calculated andthen compared between children born to mothers who had smoked andthose who hadn’t during the pregnancy.

  1. The history of physical activity among a group of men newlydiagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus was compared to that of asimilar sample of men without diabetes.

  1. A study was undertaken to correlate the iron content ofcommunity water supplies with the mean hematocrit (quantity of ironin the blood) of the children in each of those communities.
  2. A study was conducted in which the height, weight, level ofalcohol consumption, and blood pressure in a sample of men andwomen aged 30-59 were measured.

In the year 2000, the records of 8,047white male smelter workers, believed to have been exposed to highquantities of arsenic, were gathered for those who began workbetween 1938 and 1963. Death certificates were examined toascertain the cause of death for this group up until 2000. Theywere compared to death certificates from the workers in otheroccupations of the same race, gender and time period. Higher ratesof mortality from respiratory cancer and heart disease were foundamong those who had worked at least 15 years as smelterworkers.

  1. A random sample is taken of all the women in the area who arebetween 45 and 80. After the sample is recruited, all participantsare given a questionnaire asking whether they are taking estrogenand whether they have endometrial cancer.
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