G.M. is a 42-year-old Orthodox Jewish man. He is being visitedby the hospice nurse for complaints of increasing abdominal pain,nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and constipation. He wasdiagnosed 6 months ago with pancreatic cancer that has metastasizedto the liver and lungs. He quit work 1 month later. Two weeks ago,he ended the drug trial he was on for 5 months and enrolled inhospice. Currently, he is taking oral opioids for pain, ondansetron(Zofran) PRN for nausea and vomiting, sertraline (Zoloft) fordepression, and megestrol for appetite. His wife is worried that hewill become addicted to the pain medication.
Subjective Data: States he is angry at God for giving him thisillness. Reports fatigue and lack of appetite. Reports pain a 7 outof 10 that is not relieved by medication. States he is worriedabout the loss of his health benefits and what will happen to hisyoung family (including a son age 3) when he is gone.
Objective Data: Underweight (20% less than ideal body weight forhis height). Jaundiced with yellow sclera.
What are G.M.’s risk factors for spiritual distress?
Based on the data above, what are the major health problems forG.M.?
What specific palliative care needs does G.M. have?
Based on the assessment data provided, what are the prioritynursing diagnoses?
What are the priority nursing interventions?