Elevated Temperature
- Dehydration
- Exertion of Labor
- Possible puerperal infection
- Breast engorgement
- Dehydration – if urine is dark yellow or the woman is urinatingless
- Puerperal infection – loss of appetite, pale skin, chills,headache
Feeling of extreme sadness or unreality
- Stress
- Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- Anxiety
- Examine for history of previous depression, prenatal anxietyand depression, low self-esteem, poor marital relationship, andinadequate social supports
- Anemia
- Excessive loss of blood
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Review adequacy of iron and folic acid intake duringpregnancy
- Postpartum hemorrhage – estimate blood loss, measure pulse rateand blood pressure as needed, examine hematocrit and clottingfactors in the blood
Thready, rapid, weak pulse
- Puerperal bradycardia
- Hypovolemia
- Decreased cardiac strain
- Decreased blood volume following placental separation
- Increased stroke volume
- Undue blood loss
- Infection
- Anxiety
- Hypovolemia – assess for incidence of postpartumhemorrhage
- Decreased cardiac strain – assess during prenatal for heartproblems or anomalies
Pain and swelling
- Breast engorgement
- Plugged ducts
- Mastitis
- Infection
- Assess for breast anomalies such as breast fissure and invertednipples
Decreased blood pressure
- Preeclampsia
- Excessive blood loss
- Examine history of preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, obesity,age and multiple pregnancy
- Estimate blood loss, measure pulse rate and blood pressure asneeded
Relaxed uterus
- Prolonged time of contraction during labor
- Prolonged labor
- Labor lasting less than 3 hours
- Uterine inversion
- Extended use of oxytocin
- Observe for time of contraction during labor and length oflabor
- Assess for uterine inversion
- Take note of the use of oxytocin during labor
Uterine hemorrhage
- Placental abruption
- Placenta previa.
- Overdistended uterus
- Multiple pregnancy.
- Gestational hypertension or preeclampsia.
- Prolonged labor
- Infection
- Obesity
- Blood clotting disorders
- Assess for placental abruption, placenta previa, overdistendeduterus, multiple pregnancy, preeclampsia, length of labor,infection, obesity, and blood clotting disorders
Abdominal pain
- Uterus contracts to shrink back to its normal size
- Compresses blood vessels to avoid too much bleeding
- Certain pain medications that may also slow down the work ofthe digestive system
- Possible infections such as endometritis, bacterial vaginosis,UTI, appendicitis
- Check for multiparity
- Rule out presence of possible infections such as endometritis,bacterial vaginosis, UTI, appendicitis
Pain of symphysis pubis on walking
- Broken or bruised tailbone
- Swelling or bleeding when the ligaments (between the two bonesat the front of the pelvis) are stretched and the bones come apartas in walking
- Assess women who are primigravida, those who have multiplegestations, and those who had a prolonged active labor
Perineal pain
- Perineal tears
- Episiotomy
- Swelling of the perineum
- Assess risk factors that contribute to perineal tears likeforceps delivery, high birth‐weight, nulliparity, episiotomy,induced labour and abnormal fetal presentation
Lochia with foul odor
- Infection
- Determine patients with low socioeconomic status undergoingcesarean section, those who have had prolonged labor and rupture ofmembranes, UTI
Pain and tenderness in calf of leg
- Superficial venous thrombosis
- Extreme extension at the ankle joint
- Assess previous history of VTE, increased maternal age,varicose veins, mode of delivery, and family history of VTE
Positive Homan’s sign
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Intervertebral disc herniation
- Ruptured Baker’s cyst
- Neurogenic claudication
- Gastrocnemius spasm
- Cellulitis
- DVT – Assess for pain, redness, swelling, or warmth in one leg,shortness of breath or trouble breathing
- Assess for family history of DVT
- Assess for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterollevel