Go to www.cms (Links to an externalsite.).gov (Links to an external site.) and search for AdvancedBeneficiary Notice.

2. Download a copy of the ABN and evaluate each segmentof the form.

3. Evaluate each segment of the form and explainsegments D and G of the form and their purpose.

4. Evaluate and Explain what each segment means to thepatient.

5. .Go to www.cms.gov (Links to anexternal site.) and search for the followingguidelines.

A. Voluntary ABN

B. Triggering Events for ABN

C. Model Language for Preadmission/Admission Hosptial IssuedNotice of Non-Coverage

D. Model Language fro Notice of Hospital Requested Review

E. Home Health Agency use of ABN

6. Evaluate each guideline and explain the purpose,requirements and use of each guideline.

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