Hello, can you help me with this paper?
One of the topics covered in this module is the conditions thatmake eradication of a disease feasible. Your text consideredsmallpox, polio and measles on page 157, and HIV/AIDS on p. 158.For this assignment you will recreate the table on page 157 usingthe following diseases 1) Zika Virus, 2) Lyme Disease, and 3)Influenza OR Pertussis (Whooping Cough).
In each cell, in addition to saying yes/no, supplement yourresponse with a clear explanation/rationale forwhy you have said yes/no. You can do thiswithin the cell if there is enough room, or in a footnote. Yourfootnote can contain both your explanation and your reference.
After creating the table, write one paragraph that discusseswhich disease you think is more likely to be eradicated. Provide aclearly articulated rationale for why you believe this disease isthe one that is most likely to be eradicated. You will be graded onthe quality of your responses and your ability to defend theposition you take and support it with evidence from theliterature.
You must include references for each disease. APA formatrequires you to use (Author, date) for in-text citations, but forthis assignment, please use footnotes for your in-text citations asit will be easier to use footnotes within the cells of your tables.However, please use APA format for your final reference list.