Help construct a one-day diet plan for an athlete. The athleteis a 28 year old female who trains and competes in marathons twotimes per year. She does not have any medical conditions, however,she is lactose intolerant. She is 5′ 6” and 140 lbs. Her athleticdiet plan needs to include the following:
- How many calories will she need each day?
- What is her AMDR for protein, fat and carbohydrates? Rememberthe AMDR percentage should equal 100% when all the macronutrientpercentages are added up.
- What is her needed fluid intake given her activity level?
- What sources can she use to obtain calcium and Vitamin D givenshe is lactose intolerant? What is her Dietary Recommended Intake(DRI) for Calcium and Vitamin D? Are these recommendation AI orRDAs?
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