help help with these two questions CPT code and ICD-10-CMcode.
1. fracture of the shelf on the right femur, subsequent encounterfor open type IIIA fracture with delayed healing. AP x-rayperformed in office confirms slow healing. Long-leg cast reappliedin office and patient will follow up in three weeks.
CPT codes:________-_________, _________-________
ICD-10-CM code: _________
2. 30-year-old Mail was playing basketball when he felt a snapin his left ankle and intense calf pain. This is a healthy man withunremarkable medical history. does not smoke drink drink. physicalexamination revealed passive range of motion and inability toplantarflex the left foot. Two-view radiography of the left ankleis neganeous rupture of Achilles tendon. Definitive procedureperformed was a surgical repair and reattchment of Achilles tendon,without graft.
CPT codes:________-________, ________-________
ICD-10-CM code:_________,__________
this is cpt and icd 10 questions
this is in the medical coding in the real world
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