Help with a case study!!

Topic: Pathophysiology of Asthma

Throughout the late spring get-away, one of your aunts comes toremain with your family in the city. She’s a 55 year old, marriedwoman who fills in as a civil clerk of the Trial Court. She hasnumerous symptoms and signs. She gets tired easily and hasshortness of breath after walking only a brief distance. She drinkswater a lot as she is often thirsty and urinates too often. Shealso eats more frequently than she usually does.

Since you are close to her, you know that she has a sedentarylifestyle, in addition, her diet isn’t really healthy. She adoreseating deep-fried food and has a sweet-tooth. Also, she is known tobe asthmatic for almost all of her life. She went to see twodoctors; a cardiologist who presumes her to be experiencingatherosclerosis or even CAD. While the endocrinologist, who figuresthat she may as of now have DM Type 2. So she is asked to have alaboratory tests done which includes, lipid profile, 2D-Echo, ECG,HbA1C and FBS.

As she realizes that you are taking a science program, with highexpectations she asks you for some information about herpotential diagnoses and needs you to clarify the pathophysiologyand the risk factors of them to her.

INSTRUCTIONS: Explain what are her POTENTIAL DIAGNOSES,RISK FACTORS and PATHOPHYSIOLOGY from the given case report aboutAsthma.

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