1.Add up the percentages of the macronutrients in your dietand alcohol (if applicable). (Hint: Think about what nutrients aremacronutrients.) This should add up to approximately 100%. If itdoes not, please review your math to ensure you calculatedpercentages correctly. Show your math. (4 points)
2.What macronutrient makes up the largest percentage of yourdiet? The least? Did this surprise you? (4 points)
3.How did your CHO and fat intake compare to the AMDRs? (4points)
4.How did your protein intake compare to the RDA? To the AMDR?Why are these different? (4 points)
5.How do your food group intakes compare to therecommendations? Which food groups did you meet at least 75% of therecommendations? Which ones did you not meet at least 75%? Wouldyou want to make changes to meet the recommendations? (4points)

1. The daily calorie needs are 2654 2. Average calorie intake is 1904 kcal 3.Percentage of DRI energy used is 71.7% 4.The ave

Step 3: Analyze your fat intake: 1. On a daily average, my fat intake in total is 769 2. The number of kilocalories consumed
Step 3: Analyze your fat intake: 1. On a daily average, my fat intake in total is 76g 2. The number of kilocalories consumed

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1. The daily calorie needs are 2654 2. Average calorie intake is 1904 kcal 3.Percentage of DRI energy used is 71.7% 4.The average is 1.7% which is less than the given 75%. The reason behind this can be seen in the intake of carbohydrate, protein and fibre. In all these cases, the average daily intakes is below the average and this leads to an overall decrease in the calorie intake. Around 750 kcal needs to be consumed more daily. Step 2: Analyze your carbohydrate intake 1. The average carbohydrate intake is 250 gms 2. Average Kcal obtained from CHO intake is =intake in grams x 4 kcal/gram =250 gm x 4kcal/gram =1000 kcal/gram 3. Percentage of the diet which is CHO- =KCAL OF CHO/average kcal intake = 1000/1904 =09140% 4. The AMDR for carbohydrate is 45 to 65% which means that in an average diet around 45-65 recent of daily calories should come from the carbohydrate intake 5. No, the AMDR for carbohydrates is not met. The average consumption is 250 gms where the recommended range shows 299 to 431 gms. 6. Total dietary fibre consumption is gm 7. The DRI for fibre intake is 38gm. The Al for fibre is: 38 g/day for males 8. The percentage of fibre consumption met wass 32.9%. This is way below the average 75%. This shows that more fibre needs to be consumed Step 3: Analyze your fat intake: 1. On a daily average, my fat intake in total is 76g 2. The number of kilocalories.consumed per day Step 3: Analyze your fat intake: 1. On a daily average, my fat intake in total is 769 2. The number of kilocalories consumed per day is: 76g* 9kcal/gram = 684kcal 3. Kilocalories ingested in total: 1904 kcal The percentage of my diet that is fat: (685kcal/1904kcal)*100%=35.98% 4. AMDR( Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) is the recommended range of intake for a macronutrient. Protein, fat, and carbohydrates each have their own AMDR. The AMDR for each macronutrient is expressed as a percentage of the total calories you consume in a day 5. The AMDR for fat is 20-35%. So, I’m not within the recommended range. I’m just slightly above the recommended 6. I consume 25.2g of saturated fat. 7. 25.29*9kcal/g =226.8kcal 8. (226.8kcal/1904kcal)*100% =11.91% 9. The maximum recommended percentage for saturated fat intake is 10%. 10. No it was above the recommended limit. Step 4: Analyze your protein intake 1. My protein intake in grams is 619 2. 619*4kcal/g= 244kcal. 3. (244kcal/1904kcal)*100%= 12.82% 4. The AMDR for protein is 10-35% 5. Yes I did meet the AMDR for protein however it was closer to the lower limit rather than the higher one. 6. My weight:154 lbs/ 2.2 pounds/ Kg =70Kg 70 70Kg* 0.8g/Kg = 56g of protein is my RDA 7. My average protein intake is (619-56g=5g) higher than the RDA Step 5 Compare food groups consumed to recommendations 1.Grains Step 3: Analyze your fat intake: 1. On a daily average, my fat intake in total is 76g 2. The number of kilocalories consumed per day is: 76g* 9kcal/gram = 684kcal 3. Kilocalories ingested in total: 1904 kcal The percentage of my diet that is fat: (685kcal/1904kcal)*100%=35.98% 4. AMDR( Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) is the recommended range of intake for a macronutrient. Protein, fat, and carbohydrates each have their own AMDR. The AMDR for each macronutrient is expressed as a percentage of the total calories you consume in a day 5. The AMDR for fat is 20-35%. So, i’m not within the recommended range. I’m just slightly above the recommended 6. I consume 25.2g of saturated fat. 7. 25.29*9kcal/g =226.8kcal 8. (226.8kcal/1904kcal)*100% =11.91% 9. The maximum recommended percentage for saturated fat intake is 10%. 10. No it was above the recommended limit. Step 4: Analyze your protein intake 1. My protein intake in grams is 61g 2. 619*4kcal/g=244kcal. 3. (244kcal/1904kcal)*100%= 12.82% 4. The AMDR for protein is 10-35% 5. Yes I did meet the AMDR for protein however it was closer to the lower limit rather than the higher one. 6. My weight:154 lbs/2.2 pounds/ Kg =70Kg 70 70Kg* 0.8g/kg = 56g of protein is my RDA 7. My average protein intake is (619-56g=5g) higher than the RDA Step 5 Compare food groups consumed to recommendations
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