Heparin drip 25,000 units in 250 mL of D5W. Give 80 units/kg IVbolus once, then start 18 units/kg/hr IV continuous infusion.Patient weight 83.6 kg.

1. Heparin is supplied as 10,000 units/mL vials. How manymilliliters of heparin should be ised to prepare a 6,688 IV bolusdose for the patient?
2. How many milliliters of heparin should be used to preparethe drip (i.e., 25,000 units/250 mL D5W)? Heprin is supplied as10,000 units/mL vials.
3. What is the infusion rate (mL/hr) that was ordered for theheparin infusion (i.e., 18 units/kg/hr)? (Hint: first determine howmany units/hr are needed; then solve for how many mL/hr.)
4. If infused at the calculated rate, how long (in hours) willthis IV last?
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