Heparin is infusing IV at 20mL/hr. The label states 25,000units of heparin in 500 mL of D5W.
1. Howmanyunits/hrwillthepatientreceive?
2. Is this a safe dose? Is this a therapeutic dose? Explainhow you came to your conclusion regarding the safe and therapeuticdecision. Write in full sentences and include calculated values inyour explanation.
Heparin has been ordered to infuse at the rate of 850units/hr. The solution has 30,000 units heparin in 1000 mL ofnormal saline.
3. AtwhatrateshouldtheIVpumpbesetforthisinfusion?
4.Isthisasafeandtherapeuticinfusionforthispatient?Explainwhyorwhynot,usingfullsentences and calculated values to back up your answer.
A solution of 40,000 units heparin in 500 mL is to be infusedat the rate of 1400 units/hr.
5. WouldyouadministerthisIVinfusion?
Explain why or why not, using full sentences to back up youranswer.
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