Hi! I just need help with either question 2 or 3 or both! Iincluded the whole scenario just in case!

The nurse is visiting a 55-year-old client at home. The patientwas in the hospital for 4 months after experiencing an acute attackof pancreatitis, during which time he was placed on a ventilator.The tracheostomy tube (“trach”) was placed because of the extendedperiod of time that he was ventilator-dependent, and although hewas ready to be discharged, he still needs the trach. The patient’swife states that she is concerned about caring for the trach athome, and the patient communicated that he is scared to have thetrach changed.

1. Identify the clinical problem(s) in the case study.



2.The wife explains that she must return to work the next dayand that she will assist her husband with trach care at 7 am beforeshe leaves and then again at 7 pm when she gets home. The patientstates he is okay with this schedule. What should the nurse’sresponse be to the patient and wife?



3.The nurse arrives to observe the wife performing trach care.She notices that the patient’s oxygen saturation is at 96%, and thewife takes the time to hyperoxygenate the patient before proceedingwith care. The wife turns to the nurse and asks if she has doneeverything right so far. How should the nurse respond?



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