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. Hint: Refer back to Mochile 4.0ypes of studies. Note: All numbers in this exercise are fictitious and used only for learning purposes. #11-16. For each study described, State whether it will experimental or observational . If observational, identify which type specifically (retrospective cohort, prospective cohort, case- control, cross-sectional, ecological) Briefly explain how you can tell what type of study It is 11. We plan to distribute a questionnaire to all UNLV faculty, students and stuff ages 40 and 60. In that questionnaire, we will ask if they suffer from kidney disease, and if they take regular medications including BZDs. We than assess how many people with kidney disease take BZDs and how many people without KC take BZDE. 12. We select a group of 1,000 middle-aged volunteers without kidney disease who are likely to suffer from insomnia/anxiety. We assign them randomly into two groups. Group 1 is told to live their lives as normal and take any meds proscribed by their doctor. Group 2 is told not to use BZDs for 2 years, and doctors prescribe Group 2 with natural alternatives to BZDs. After those 2 years, we follow them up and check to see who developed kidney disease in each group, and compare the groups 13. We will get the age-adjusted incidence rates of kidney disease in 30 different countries and compare those with the rates of BZD consumption per capita (total usage in country total population of that country). We will then check to see if there is a correlation between the BZD consumption and kidney disease. 14. In 2010, we examined the medical records of 2,000 patients ages 53+ associated with Kaiser PermuDRIC (large health care organization) who did NOT have kidney disease in 2005. Then, we look back in the records to see who took BZDs from 2000-2005. After that, we look to see who developed kidney disease from 2006 until 2008. We compared the rates of kidney disease among those who took the BZDs and those who didn’t 15. We plan to select a large healthy group of 4000 50-year-old people from the general population and give them a questionnaire to fill out. One of the questions concerns the use of BZDs. We are going to follow them for 5 years and compare how many developed kidney disease among those who said yes to BZD consumption and among those who said no to BZD consumption. 16. We will select 200 patients with kidney disease and 600 patients without kidney disease. We will then access their prescription records to see if they used BZDs regularly when they were aged 40-50 years of age MacBook Air Experimental Study/RCT – The researcher controls the allocation of exposure. At least one of the groups will have an exposure/intervention that is not part of the normal life of its members. All participants are free of the defined outcome at the start. Observational Study – The researcher doe not control the allocation of exposure: he/she only observes who is/is not exposed. Cohort Study – From a large population, the investigator defines a group of exposed and non-exposed individuals and follows up both groups in time to compare the incidence of disease in the two groups. All participants are free of the disease being studied at the start When the follow-up (and outcome) have already occurred by the time the researcher sets up his study – Retrospective Cohort study More commonly the researcher sets up his own study and therefore the outcome has not occurred by the time the study starts – Prospective Cohort Study Case-Control Study – Participants are selected based on their disease status diseased are cases, non-diseased are controls) and for each of these groups the researcher examines potential exposures that occurred before the disease Cross-Sectional Study – Participants are surveyed about exposure and disease status at the same point in time. Just likes in cohort studies, the groups under comparison are based on their exposure status. Different from cohort studies, the exposure and disease are assessed at the same point In time. Ecological Study – An association between two characteristics is obtained based on aggregated data or group characteristics instead of individual level data. (Ex County level poverty instead of individual income
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