i just need to find the beginig and the end of the ORF at theoriginal sequence attached down here, i put underline at picturenumber two to show the methionind and the stop codon at framenumber 6 that had the longest ORF. please read tge instructions formore information. thank you
<div><img decoding=](https://media.cheggcdn.com/study/550/550be472-a04f-4091-a5fa-731f9f1d88d2/image)
you dont need anymore info i need to find the protien nameusing blast and blast need thecDNA sequence from M to stop codonthat i underlined in one of the picture all what i need is to findthis ORF at the original DNA sequence tgat i attached so i can copypaste to blast to find the protien name. so i just need to know theexact part of the DNA part that I need. thanks
thanks ill post it again im confused and i did my best beforeposting this.
Transcribed Image Text from this Question
>Untitled frame 6 LTWCVFFLSIHFNNSSMIRLAVLLSLGSKDLTPNRLNTSTILSFSKPDSNSSIRSWSIP YKSDSSTLPF*PLEVSLAYNLVHSAAVLLKDSLSRK CCATSAS*GSLGSGDCSSACSEI NADFSVITGDHAFLRISKQMAPVTDDIFGWYTFVSNCIFGGLNGYSIGTSISTTNLPPS* GVPGGPKNVPFKWWISDSLTNSRVM*AAGSSFTAWISFIILLALDIAYFLLLLLIYIPLV FFNV MacBook Pro ese 1 2 # 3 $ 4 5 % 5 . 6 & 7 8 9 0 delete ktor LA Computer Jawan DNA there 3: 1: V W FI W D P R S D RV Ι SRF 2: S D LYGI D H D L I D E F E SO G F E LIY MGLT TIL TS L N LKV LK GTCTGATTTATATGGGATTGACCACGATCTGATTGACGAGTTTGAATCTCAAGGTTTTGA 541 ————————— ! ——- I———! 6 CAGACTAAATATACCCTAACTGGTGCTAGACTAACTGCTCAAACTTAGAGTTCCAAAACT TONIH S O GRDS OR TO I EL NO 5: LR II PNV V I O N V LKF RLT K 6: D SKYPIS W SRI SS N SD PKS 4: 1: K G D C GS V E TIRRO V LRP Q * 2: K DKI V EVLRRLG V KS LDP N D 3: R TRL W KC D DAS SPT PM T AAAGGACAAGATTGTGGAAGTGTTGAGACGATTAGGCGTCAAGTCCTTAGACCCCAATGA 601 I—————————- ! ——-! 660 TTTCCTGTTCTAACACCTTCACAACTCTGCTAATCCGCAGTTCAGGAATCTGGGGTTACT 4: FPCSQPL TSV I L R T RLG WH 5: FLV L NH FHOS SAD LG VGI 6: F S L I T S T NLR NPT LDK S GLS 1. Q QHS QPY HRG I VEV NRK KN 2: N N TANRI IE ELLKID KKKT T TOP TV S S R N C SE * I KK KR CAACAACACAGCCAACCGTATCATCGAGGAATTGTTGAAGTGAATAGATAAAAAAAAAAC 661 ———————– ————————! 720 GTTGTTGTGTCGGTTGGCATAGTAGCTCCTTAACAACTTCACTTATCTATTTTTTTTTTG 4CCC LWGY RP I T S T F L Y F F F 5: V V V CGV TDD LFOQL SY I F F F 6: LLVAL RIMS S N NF HIS LFF V TACATTAAAAAAAACAAGTGGTATATATATAAGTAGTAGTAGTAAGAAGTAA GCGATGTCTAGGGCTAAGAGAATTATGAAAGAAATCCAAGCTGTGAAGGATG ATCCTGCAGCTCACATTACTCTTGAATTTGTGAGTGAATCTGATATCCACCAT TTAAAAGGCACATTTTTGGGCCCACCTGGAACACCTTACGAGGGTGGCAAAT TTGTCGTGGATATCGAAGTACCTATGGAGTATCCATTCAAACCACCAAAGAT GCAGTTCGACACAAAAGTATACCATCCAAATATATCATCAGTGACAGGTGCC ATTTGTTTAGATATTCTTAAGAATGCATGGTCGCCAGTGATAACACTAAAGTC TGCATTGATTTCGCTACAGGCGCTACTACAATCTCCAGAGCCTAACGATCCT CAAGATGCAGAAGTAGCACAACACTATTTACGGGATAGAGAATCTTTTAATA AGACTGCTGCACTATGGACGAGGTTATACGCCAGTGAAACTTCCAATGGTCA AAAAGGCAATGTAGAGGAGTCTGATTTATATGGGATTGACCACGATCTGATT GACGAGTTTGAATCTCAAGGTTTTGAAAAGGACAAGATTGTGGAAGTGTTGA GACGATTAGGCGTCAAGTCCTTAGACCCCAATGACAACAACACAGCCAACCG TATCATCGAGGAATTGTTGAAGTGAATAGATAAAAAAAAAACGCACCAAGTA AGTA of 1 1 word English (United States) Focus 1. HLAS 2. Now look at the word file of your output, and find the DNA codon that encodes the first methionine in your ORF (methionine is encoded by AUG in the RNA which corresponds to ATG in the DNA). In the output window, amino acid letters are positioned above the first nucleotide in each codon. Circle this ATG in your word file. Then find that codon in the sequence, and highlight it using BOLD face and 16 point font. Note that if your gene is encoded by reading frames 4, 5, or 6 (on the bottom strand of your DNA), then you have to be looking closer to the end of your gene’s sequence, and looking for the codon which is complementary to ATG. (The reason for this is that in the Word file, only one strand is provided as your gene sequence, which the translator program understands as the top strand by default.) 3. Look at your word file again, and find the DNA codon which corresponds to the translation stop signal. These codons are TAA, TAG, or TGA, and will correspond to the asterisk at the end of your ORF. Bold, underline, and italicize the stop codon in your word file, and return to the Word file with your gene. Find the stop codon there and highlight it by using underline and 16 point font. Again, remember that if your gene is in frame 4, 5, or 6, you have to be looking somewhere in the beginning of your sequence, and searching for a codon which is complementary to TAA, TAG, or TGA. Again, this is because only the top strand is given as the sequence for your gene in the Word file. MacBook Pro esc
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