II.A.3 Apply legal concepts and principles to the practice ofHIM
OBJECTIVE: Student will be able to identify the steps needed toprep and release a record for a subpoena
Assignment: You are the HIM director and you have been servedwith a subpoena to produce records for an upcoming court case.
Your Release of Information (ROI) clerk is new. You ask her toread the policy and procedure for prepping a record for a subpoenahowever there is none.
Write the steps you would follow to release records for asubpoena. Refer to reading “How to Respond to a Subpoena adDiscovery”
Definitions: Subpoena: a command to appear at a certain time andplace to give testimony on a certain matter
Subpoena ad testificandum: a subpoena that seeks testimony
Subpoena duces tecum: a written order commanding a person toappear, give testimony, and bring all documents, papers, books, andrecords described in the subpoena. This is used to obtain documentsduring pre-trial discovery and to obtain testimony duringtrial.Reference Items included in the module:
Read How to Respond to Subpoena and Discovery
Read Department Policies and Procedures
Review Sample Subpoena
Review Sample Policy Assignment
1. Read all of the reference items listed above
2. Write the PROCEDURE STEPS to include in a ROI (Release ofInformation) policy for subpoenas and be sure they are in thecorrect order.
3. Submit your answers in the space provided in the textbox