in this two reserche talk about birth order, please tell me ifthose two sources on “child birth order”, tell methe similarities and differences in your personnality, is that doesnot correlate or correlate in your child birth order, thanks

1. According to Spitze, G. & Logan, Middleborns arealso much less likely to cheat on a sexual partner. They are muchmore careful to maintain high-quality relationships with bothfriends and with their mates

2. The Salmon (2003) study found a significant impact onfamilial sentiment due to birth order. Firstborns andlastborns

experience a higher degree of parental preference whilemiddle born children are significantly less likely to be chosen asa parental favorite and also receive less parentalinvestment.

for exemple those two write about birth order in their life, myquestion, is those fit your personnality, i mean is that related toyour personnality or no, and why,

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