
  1. Choose a disease or health-related topic from anyoffline or online sources.

** Your chosen topic will be the basis for your HealthTeaching plan

  1. Read page 444-448 of your textbook Nurse as Educator by SusanBastable 5thEdition – “Development of Teachingplans.

Follow the format of the health teaching plan and create yourown teaching plan using the chosen topic from item number 1.

  1. Do some research about the health topic you’ve chosen and makean outline of the important things you will need to discuss to yourpatient/learners.
  2. Formulate at least 3 learning outcomes or objectives using the3 learning domains as discussed in Chapter 10 of your book.
  3. Don’t forget to list all resources or references of your healthteaching and teaching plan.
  4. Prepare your visual aids –
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