Jamal is Kevin’s support worker and he’s in the middle of a busyday. Kevin is a young person with physical disabilities who uses awheelchair for mobility. He has just joined a wheelchair basketballteam and is excited about the sport.
Just before lunch, Kevin shows up at Jamal’s workplace with abasketball in hand wanting to show Jamal what he’s learnt. AlthoughKevin doesn’t have an appointment, Jamal wants to support his newinterest and expanding skills.
There is a car park nearby. Jamal is aware there are a few bumps inthe car park and shows Kevin where they are. He suggests to Kevinthat they meet at the basketball court after work but Kevin is keento show him a few moves now so he watches him while he eats hislunch.
Kevin is thrilled with the speed and mobility of wheelchairbasketball and has been practising high-speed spins, turns, catchesand throws. In his excitement, he doesn’t notice one of the bumpsand he falls. Although he only receives a minor scrape, Jamalrealises that this wasn’t the best time or place to support Kevin’sinterest.
Before he leaves, Kevin gives Jamal a team shirt with hisnumbers on the back and invites him to his next game.
q1. What things should Jamal do before he accepts the team shirtand accepts the invitation to the next game to ensure he is notbreaching his work role boundaries with Kevin?
q2. in what ways did Jamal comply with his work roleresponsibilities?
q3. a) Were Kevin’s human rights breached? Explain youranswer.
b) If they had been breached, how would you respond?