Jean is a 29 yo who just gave birth to her second baby girl at0830. Jean had a rapid labor and delivery, of 3.5 hours, shesustained EBL of 200 mL so far, perineum is intact.
- Define the third stage of labor including the expectedparameters to be in normal limits.
- After delivery of the infant, what observations can be madethat indicate the spontaneous separation of the placenta?
- What are the two possible mechanisms observed as the placentais delivered? Name and describe them both.
- What major signs and symptoms of postpartum hemorrhage shouldyou as the nurse be alert for especially during the first fourhours after childbirth?
- Name three medications used to control postpartum hemorrhage.State the usual dose, route, frequency and any majorcontraindications.
It is now 0940 and theplacenta has not been delivered
- What nursing actions would you expect to take for the emergentcare of this patient and the likely manual removal of theplacenta?
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