Jeremy is a 25-year-old man training for an ultramarathon raceof 50 miles. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and currently weighs 170lb. During his long runs of more than 3 hours, he drinks water,approximately 30 oz., and consumes one GU (an energy supplementcontaining 100 kcal from simple sugar) at the 2-hour mark. Jeremyis coming to you for advice because he is becoming increasinglyweak and nauseated toward the end of his runs. He reports feelinglight-headed and irritable on his long training days. Jeremy statesthat he is eating an egg salad sandwich with two hard-boiled eggsmixed with 3 tbsp. of mayonnaise on whole wheat bread about 20minutes before his run.
Your answers should directly relate to the assigned textbookreadings. Chapters 12-15 From Nix S: Williams’ basic nutrition& diet therapy, ed 14, St Louis, 2013, Elsevier. Pleaseshow calculations for questions 2 and 3.
- What sources of fuel is Jeremy predominately using in this typeof exercise?
- How much fluid should Jeremy be consuming during a 3-hourrun?
- Based on his weight, how many calories and grams ofcarbohydrate should he consume during his run?
- On what time schedule would you recommend he consume his fluidand carbohydrate?
- What would you recommend regarding his pre-exercise meal?