Joe is 22-years-old of Korean descent. His family immigrated tothe United States when he was in 8th grade. His father, auniversity professor in public health, is very proud of his son.His mother is a housewife and is always home for her children. Joewould like to live in an apartment with his friends but his parentswould not allow him to; therefore, he lives at home. His meals arecooked by his mom and he has very little choice in what is served.Joe is gay, but hasn’t told his parents. His parents are veryreligious and conservative and he knows they will be upset. Herecently got diagnosed with celiac disease and lactose intoleranceat the student health center, but he hasn’t told his parents yetbecause they often make fun of people who have those conditions,saying they are not real. Joe has also felt an increase in hisanxiety. He feels like he is disappointing his parents all the timeand doesn’t have the freedom to make his own choices. He wouldrather play video games than exercise. Joe is 5 ft. 9 inches andweighs 170 pounds, which puts him at a BMI of 25.1…just slightlyoverweight.
b. Does your client exercise? How would or does exercise benefityour client?
Exercise would help my clientby___________________________________
3. Identify one level of prevention (primordial, primary,secondary, or tertiary) for your client. List two realistic andappropriate health promotion ideas and teachings that could helpyour client during this level of prevention.
a. Please use the following wording template when providing youranswer. One appropriate level of prevention would be_________________ because ___________________.
Two realistic and appropriate health promotion ideas orteachings would be:
1. Do not exceed 100 words
2. Do not exceed 100 words.
4. How could your client’s culture or ethnicity affect yourclient’s health? Answer: My client’s ethnic background is:_________________ The leading causes of illness and death amongthis background are typically: _______________ Does your clienthave client have one of these conditions? Yes/No What is somethingthat could help prevent or decrease severity of these conditions?What is a strength of the culture, as stated in your textbook, thatyour client can utilize to help improve health?