Kyle is a 58-year-old man who is experiencing lower abdominaldiscomfort nausea and diarrhea lasting 2 days. He thought he hadeaten something that “disturbed his stomach” but since this haslasted so long, he is afraid it’s something serious.

  1. As you obtain a history from this patient what differentialdiagnoses are you considering. Give rational for your choices.
  2. Discuss the pathophysiologic relationship between nausea andvomiting?

Three days after Kyle’s initial visit his labs confirmeda diagnosis of cirrhosis.

  1. Discuss the pathophysiologic relationship between cirrhosis andportal hypertension.

Cite current research findings, national guidelines, and expertopinions and controversies found in the medical and nursingliterature to support your position and suggestions.

Responses need to address all components of the question,demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peerreviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

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