LAB QUESTIONS-Antibody Identification Excrcise 1. What antibody (ies) were identified? 2. Why is an auto control so importantLAB QUESTIONS-Antibody Identification Exercise 1. Name 4 antibodies that react best in cold temperatures. 2. Namo 3 antibodie

LAB QUESTIONS-Antibody Identification Exercise 9. Why are cord colls useful in identifying auto anti-I in a serum? 10. What a

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LAB QUESTIONS-Antibody Identification Excrcise 1. What antibody (ies) were identified? 2. Why is an auto control so important in antibody identification work? 3. After identification of the patient’s antibody (ies), what other test should be done on the patient to further prove the validity of his antibody (ies)? Why? 4. Once your patient antibody has been identified, what donor testing must be done before transfusion? (Besides the crossmatch). Why? 5. Did you find it necessary to run a short cold panel? Why? LAB QUESTIONS-Antibody Identification Exercise 1. Name 4 antibodies that react best in cold temperatures. 2. Namo 3 antibodies that react best in the antiglobulin phase. 3. In identifying antibodies, what information about the patient might be helpful? 4. Why is it important to grade the strength of reactions in antibody identification studies? 5. What is “dosage effect? Give an example. 6. What is meant hy elution and absorption studies? Give an example of a test result that would require these studies and explain what cells would be best to use. 7. Why is it importarır to obscrve for both hemolysis and agglutination in antigen-antibody reaction? 8. Why is hemolysis not present in the antiglobulin phase of antibody testing? LAB QUESTIONS-Antibody Identification Exercise 9. Why are cord colls useful in identifying auto anti-I in a serum? 10. What are precoated reagent red cells? What are they used for? 11. If the “Coombs Control Cells” are negative in your crossmatch tubes, what might you have done to cause this? 12. What are enzymes? How are they employed in the blood bank? Give two antibody problem examples in which enzymes would be helpful. 13. Why must one use caution in using a pancl approaching expiration date when attempting to identify an antibody of the Lewis system? 14. Will Rouleaux interfere with antiglobulin testing? Why?
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