Learning Objectives: Identify the different types of outpatientcare services including the medical home model Evaluate thedifferences in inpatient and outpatient care services Identifyissues related to Emergency Care Services and lack of healthinsurance Web Based or Media Based Assignments Watch the followingdocumentary Watch the documentary film The Waiting Roomhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=mzIin6OVoLU (cut andpaste link) Watch the following you tube videos regarding themedical home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGdCFgRqC3Ahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_31k2gotfB8 What did you learn fromthe film about the challenges of delivering primary health care inthe emergency room? If you could ask anyone in the film onequestion, who would you ask and what would you want to know. Why isthat question interesting or important to you? Who do you perceiveto be the best professional role models in the film? Why? What arethe social and economic reasons for using the Emergency Room fornon- urgent health care? What is a patient centered medical home?What are the strengths of this type of health care?

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