List three topics that you think should be banned from public speeches on college campuses. Why do you think these topics sho
STUL TW 504 NAFTEN Graphestration Integrate knowledge white Reading Onko beste in de marcinomulte state thinking whole IngRem
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the permen of technologie eh tions about teacher privacy and In the patients pels onto the open to find out each such as runn

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List three topics that you think should be banned from public speeches on college campuses. Why do you think these topics should be banned? STUL TW 504 NAFTEN Graphestration Integrate knowledge white Reading Onko beste in de marcinomulte state thinking whole IngRemember Prediet Men 3 SELECTION FREEDOM OF SPEECH, TECHNOLOGY, AND TEACHING The twee weken in prindergarten hich with a pendenti dewan piden wo Shared their componding terbaits own la coltired in the chartbew. In this we will address the timely wunding technology and freedom of speech Technology has redefined the legal boundaries of school control over student peech and weluvior In years past when students of the school grounds, the inte ce of district policies ended at school boundaries, upended by home and pu ents. The introduction of cell phones and the Internet sted that boundary and made inglises surrounding wudents freedom of speech more complex Our students live in a world of social technology most teenagers comider the Telemet and texting as a normal, if not essential part of their everyday in the these changes in society have also resulted in new definitions of de night These changes are evident in three major areas freedom of speech and its relevance 1 in sexting and cyberbullying SAARA freedom of Court action Students and the Law Educational Rights of Ernmigrant Children What right do immigrant children have in Sexual Harassment What are schools gal obligations to students in of social Data Mining and Privacy How dowo protect students privacy rights in form of their educational work? Corporal Punishment Is corporal punishment gal in schools, and so, whalgal Guldeines exist Students AIDS How are with AIDS protected by thew education Students’ Rights in Speech and Dret How does the constitutional Permissible Search and Secure How are students rights to freedom from unlaw Searches addressed by schools? Student Records and Privacy What legal safeguards protect students records and their rights to privacy Students’ Righis in Disciplinary Actions What legal guidelines existin terms of student disciplinary actions? freedom of speech apply to mere www. an à´šà´¿ 1 4 1 വി whethemet y, were 13 3 G prender rachen in the w the timely STUDENTS’ HERDOM CESUCH dentro TWO Court when slech What you do w the one tingly separate con el cred two different US Cat Cat Appeals uded that the schools egally suspend the went Bcase the actions were sary to prove the pripal’s pra authority and avert future dirup the opposite conclusion, protecting hans. The other cotrecht the student’s First Amendment nichts and asserting that the school ad failed to prove that the posting hud significantly disrupted the reading. The that the whole we of Mudent remolche sently murky, uncertain territory A third case involving electronic The Third Count freedom of speech focused on the Somewho gada sue of school safety. See the second Aka Teacher bok titled “The Third Court Case. Facebook page the The ultimate outcomes of legal was just meants ay but by actions in this case were still being suspended from school and the same day that a shade worked out in the courts at the time Omaha, Nebraska fatally the this edition of your book was pub tant principle, wounded the principal Fished, but they point to the com and the book his own plexities of issues surrounding the hiddents. Can schools control the contents of students’ private e-mail messages, and what are the limited s freedom of speech? Future court decisions will help answer these question Vrste rol over hudent and the inte home and par atboundary and complex day live ut students right and its relevance Il Students with ADS ADS ce by Right nary Cyberbullying Bullying has always been a problem in our schools, but technology basadded a new dimension to the problem. One informal poll of seventh graden led tut 5 percent had been cyberbullied. Adjectives like “ho, skankaat appear frequently in students postings about other students, and both parents and school officials are taking action Cyberbullying become a scos pritish places other students’ mental health or lives at risk Cyberbullying anglese attention of state lawmakers, with forty-nine states passing anti-cybertellings In a well-publicized case cyberbullying involving a gay college student roommate secretly videotaped a homosexual encounter and posted ideen the Internet. The student was so devastated by the “outing that he commited code by jumping off a bridge 200 feet into the Hudson River Other cybertaling mo dents at the middle and high school levels have realed in similar teen sonda 306 1-marginal best Courts are increase 3 SELECTION HER Graph trons tellyingwhat about how to down H. ning en damel prehin me of date that dumplinthe chefndin Hunever individu hwand bullying and in We can make dar cu forting out there en brachers doo, Illing in schools can be reduced in cur durch Sexting Sam which went und photos, videos of tests from one pline to another post another challen lated to the limits of student free A first question to ask about wing “Why would anyone in the night and want to broadcast naked pictures of themselves? The simple answer is the des and the key idea is broadcast. Typically, these pictures are sent to one person and the person rending them either doesn’t realize or doesn’t think about the fact th they might be shared with ile world at large. Survey vary about the prevalence exting two found that between 5 and 7 percent of een hand enter received soch message, but a third study found much higher rates of both sending 20 per cent) and receiving sexting messages (nearly percent). In addition to the per embarrament involved, ating can also become a form of cyberbullying One Chi tenager committed suicide after the nude photos she send her boyfriend her cell phone were shared with classmates Again, the limits of shudents free speech and school abilities to limit tone being tested School authorities interested in protecting students from farm actively discourage the practice. However, they are sometimes hesitant to become moved in personal meatfecting students’ mental health and their lives. Unfortunately, students often don’t realize that these messages can go viral, can spread all over the Internet and their school, and can qualify as child pornography of the subject under eighteen. The legal controversies over sexting took another tum with the emergence of revenge porn” Revenge porn occurs when someone retaliates against a former romantic partner by posting nude of sexual images on the Internet. In response to this problem thirteen states have eructed laws forbidding the practice, s and twenty-eight states have introduced or have pending legislation to curb the pesting of humiliating sexual images. But legal experts caution that the new law could run afoul of First Amendment safeguards for free speech TECHNOLOGY AND RESTRICTIONS ON TEACHERS’ FREEDOM TO COMMUNICATE WITH STUDENTS Is it okay to be Facebook friends with your students? What about sending them direct messages on Twitter? Or should you text students from your personal telephone! A e a teacher, you will face questions such as these when you begin your teaching career Technology opens doors for teachers both personally and professionally. It allows us to communicate with friends, colleagues, and students more easily than in the past. But recent legislation and court cases have raised a number of red flags about teachers’ rights and responsibilities with respect to their use of technologies such as the Internet and cell phones Technology is everywhere, Facebook announced its 500 millionth user in 2010 and 73 percent of American teenagers report using some form of social networking Sweal netwing the permen of technologie eh tions about teacher privacy and In the patients pels onto the open to find out each such as running them the layo soal bio, and propriate common in 15 when searching for a botryopo post anything that you won’t want the sachusetts administrator was forced to munity wobby and on the Pach 130 including the parents she worked with, whose may have led holes that way. we had Teacher student Tunications could talk openly one-to-one with study og door open to avoid any hint operty. However, have changed that by providing great for 125 ships between teachers and students State Lawmakers have responded in Mwanga ning electronic communication between teachers and dents similar restrictions on a teachers privabetes meses Later after critics wamed of legal and logistical problems. Other 130 working interactions between teachers and stehen students First Amendment rights to speech as well as the mormou rump into this complex legal fray because they are concebre 133 Is they don’t men and the fact that valence of at or received ading (20 per the personal mullying. One boyfriend via problems involved in enforcing voch a law. For example, students may need to com tact a teacher about questions on a homework segment Outlytateme us this decision to local school districtes to teaches boid check out antal with school district guidelines and discuss the issue with other experienced teacher mit it are arm actively me involved unfortunately, all over the the subject is mn with the lates against Internet. In the practice to curb the se new laws The Issue Are these recent legal restrictions on teachers’ use of technologies beneficial even necessary, for teacher-student communication? Here are woments on both sides of this complex legal issue. MTO Pro • These laws provide both teachers and students with clear guidelines about appropriate and inappropriate teacher student interactions • Parents want and need safeguards for their children’s safety • The laws only target individual messages to students and allows groupes sages in which teachers can clarify assignments or provide group feedback about homework 115 them direct Sephone? As hing career asionally. It asily than in of red flags chnologies Con These laws create an atmosphere of fear and mistrust between teachers and students, and professional codes of ethics already address this issue • Laws such as these inhibit legitimate one-to-one communication between teachers and their students. The burden of documenting such interactions discourages teachers from communicating with their students. ser in 2010, networking 10
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