Look at the post what do you see in their maps? Respond Whatinformation did you gain from their EcoMaps
for example:
EcoMap is a flow diagram that maps family and communitysystems processes over time, it is a diagram of social solarsystem, and it shows the exchange of the social matter with energythat maintains and is exchanged.
The EcoMap I did is about myself, I placed myself in thecenter in a position of the sun, and all other important people andinstitutions in my life space are depicted with circles around me.I placed all my loved one in circle on top of me on the center witha solid line and arrows pointing out of me and toward me which meanan exchange of a strong energetic relationship. The thinner lineswith two arrow that are pointed to few circles around me are thepeople and institutions that I have a strong relationship with, butnot strong as the solid line. The wavy line means stressfulrelationship like it showed in the genogram and the dotted linemeans a weak or poor relationship. Each one of these lines that Idraw have an arrow on it indicating the flow of energy. Based on myEcoMap, it illustrates where my energy is flowing which show anequivalency of the given and gotten back one which balancesperfectly.
Transcribed Image Text from this Question
EcoMap is a flow diagram that maps family and community systems processes over time, it is a diagram of social solar system, and it shows the exchange of the social matter with energy that maintains and is exchanged. The EcoMap I did is about myself, I placed myself in the center in a position of the sun, and all other important people and institutions in my life space are depicted with circles around me. I placed all my loved one in circle on top of me on the center with a solid line and arrows pointing out of me and toward me which mean an exchange of a strong energetic relationship. The thinner lines with two arrow that are pointed to few circles around me are the people and institutions that I have a strong relationship with, but not strong as the solid line. The wavy line means stressful relationship like it showed in the genogram and the dotted line means a weak or poor relationship. Each one of these lines that I draw have an arrow on it indicating the flow of energy. Based on my EcoMap, it illustrates where my energy is flowing which show an equivalency of the given and gotten back one which balances perfectly. Family Husband: Said Sisters Mom Kids: Kamilia, Damya, and Elyas Husband’s Family Brothers Friends in Algeria Me Doctor, OBGYN, and Dentist elleen Neighbors and Friends in USA Work Employees School (DV) My Daughter School Religion Classmates Family Husband: Said Sisters Mom Kids: Kamilia, Damya, and Elyas Husband’s Family Brothers Friends in Algeria Me Doctor, OBGYN, and Dentist Neighbors and Friends in USA Work Employees My School (DVC) Religion Classmates Daughter s School
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