Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2…

Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2...
Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2...
Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2...
Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2...
Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2...
Question: LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2...

Show transcribed image text LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2. Bacteria and archaca have 60s ribosomes, circular DNA and usually lack histone proteinse FALSE 3.Most animal cells have, a nucleus, chromatin,centrioles, mitochondria and cytoskeletons-TuE 4. Pasteur developed vaccines for chicken cholera anthrax, and small pox 5 Agar , the petri dish the autoclave pure culture techniques and basic staining techniques came from the lab of Robert Koch-TRUt 6. There are 112 different naturally occurring atomic numbers, although two are extremely rare-FLSE 7. Hydrogen bonds are much weaker than covalent but are important to life, especially to DNA and the properties of water TR4E 8. Peptidoglycan is found in almost all known bacteria but not eukarytoes or the archea TRHE 9. Gram negative bacteria have an outer membrane containing lipoproteins, phospholipids, tejghoic acids, ipopnah nscthandies and propholip 10 Teichoic acids are found in all bacterja and may be important antigens in this group FALJE 11. Plasmids have been found in some bacteria, some yeasts, some protozoa and but no animal to date, and play a role in the horizontal transfer of genes, such as those for drug resistanace-TuE 12. Lysosomes contain about 40 different hydrolytic enzyme also may produce hydrogen peroxide hypochlorite and free radicals, under certain conditions- FaLSE 13. Virusoids are composed of naked DNA and presently parasites of plants only but may someday be found in animals TQ 14. GSS, Lupus, Mad cow, Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, scrapie, chronic wasting disease, fatal familial insomnia, and Kuru are known to be caused by prions TaiE +5. A chemical with a phenol coefficient of 1.5 is more effective than phenol as a killing agent.-Tae . 16. Protection by immunization has been practiced for hundreds of years TRUE 17. RNA polymerase does have some proof reading ability but not as good as DNA polymerase-TRE 18. From the lab of Robert Koch came the proof for germ theory-Koch's postulates F LSE 19. Thanks to the universality of the genetic code, bacteria and yeast can make, erythropoietin insulin interferons "taxol and the Hepatitis B vaccine-uå°¼ 20. AGG and AAG can be codons on DNA and RNA TAuE 21 Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first to see bacteria and is called the father or microbiology. TRue 22. Most phage viral families we know of have RNA as genctic material TALSE 23 Bacillus and Clostridia species have highly resistant stages called endospores, first discovered by Ferdinand Cohn and which may be able to live for millions of years TP 24. Transposons are found in both pro and eukaryotes and were first discovered in com by Barbara McClintock 1 in corn for which she won a Nobel prize. TPUE 25 The DNA polymerase chain reaction is not considerably faster than bacterial multiplication E 26 Bacteria have the greatest biotic potential of any organisms on earth, one E. coli potentially could fill a 27. Messenger RNA attaches to the large subunit of the ribosome to begin translation TRuE large ship in 24 hours TRUE 28 Plants, like corn and soybeans and sorgum have been given genes from bacteria and these transgenic organisms are just being introduced to our food supply by the billions FALSE 29 Protoplast fuson, bacterial vectors electon guns, calcium salts, microppene injection , el adenoviral vectors and heat shock are ways that genetic material can be introduced from one cell to 30. Some of the kinetoplastida are and photosynthetic in light and die in dark and are also transitional protozoa with both flagellated and ameboid ability in same species TRUE 31 The limit of resolution of the injection , electroporation, yALSE another bright field microscope is about 1,000x do to the wavelengths of white light although some may be able to reach 2,000 with todays improved optics 32 UV microscopes can magnify over 2,000 as a result of the shorter wavelength of UV light versus white light and electron microscopes can magnify 33. Atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopes can magnify in the hundreds of millions and possibly a billion times 34 Many trillions of transgenic organisms have been made,mostly plants and animals, for example herbicide resistant com hundreds of thousands of times

LTRUE OR FALSE Almost all known bacterial cells and most eukaryotic cells are microscopic FALSE 2. Bacteria and archaca have 60s ribosomes, circular DNA and usually lack histone proteinse FALSE 3.Most animal cells have, a nucleus, chromatin,centrioles, mitochondria and cytoskeletons-TuE 4. Pasteur developed vaccines for chicken cholera anthrax, and small pox 5 Agar , the petri dish the autoclave pure culture techniques and basic staining techniques came from the lab of Robert Koch-TRUt 6. There are 112 different naturally occurring atomic numbers, although two are extremely rare-FLSE 7. Hydrogen bonds are much weaker than covalent but are important to life, especially to DNA and the properties of water TR4E 8. Peptidoglycan is found in almost all known bacteria but not eukarytoes or the archea TRHE 9. Gram negative bacteria have an outer membrane containing lipoproteins, phospholipids, tejghoic acids, ipopnah nscthandies and propholip 10 Teichoic acids are found in all bacterja and may be important antigens in this group FALJE 11. Plasmids have been found in some bacteria, some yeasts, some protozoa and but no animal to date, and play a role in the horizontal transfer of genes, such as those for drug resistanace-TuE 12. Lysosomes contain about 40 different hydrolytic enzyme also may produce hydrogen peroxide hypochlorite and free radicals, under certain conditions- FaLSE 13. Virusoids are composed of naked DNA and presently parasites of plants only but may someday be found in animals TQ 14. GSS, Lupus, Mad cow, Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, scrapie, chronic wasting disease, fatal familial insomnia, and Kuru are known to be caused by prions TaiE +5. A chemical with a phenol coefficient of 1.5 is more effective than phenol as a killing agent.-Tae . 16. Protection by immunization has been practiced for hundreds of years TRUE 17. RNA polymerase does have some proof reading ability but not as good as DNA polymerase-TRE 18. From the lab of Robert Koch came the proof for germ theory-Koch's postulates F LSE 19. Thanks to the universality of the genetic code, bacteria and yeast can make, erythropoietin insulin interferons "taxol and the Hepatitis B vaccine-uå°¼ 20. AGG and AAG can be codons on DNA and RNA TAuE 21 Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first to see bacteria and is called the father or microbiology. TRue 22. Most phage viral families we know of have RNA as genctic material TALSE 23 Bacillus and Clostridia species have highly resistant stages called endospores, first discovered by Ferdinand Cohn and which may be able to live for millions of years TP 24. Transposons are found in both pro and eukaryotes and were first discovered in com by Barbara McClintock 1 in corn for which she won a Nobel prize. TPUE 25 The DNA polymerase chain reaction is not considerably faster than bacterial multiplication E 26 Bacteria have the greatest biotic potential of any organisms on earth, one E. coli potentially could fill a 27. Messenger RNA attaches to the large subunit of the ribosome to begin translation TRuE large ship in 24 hours TRUE 28 Plants, like corn and soybeans and sorgum have been given genes from bacteria and these transgenic organisms are just being introduced to our food supply by the billions FALSE 29 Protoplast fuson, bacterial vectors electon guns, calcium salts, microppene injection , el adenoviral vectors and heat shock are ways that genetic material can be introduced from one cell to 30. Some of the kinetoplastida are and photosynthetic in light and die in dark and are also transitional protozoa with both flagellated and ameboid ability in same species TRUE 31 The limit of resolution of the injection , electroporation, yALSE another bright field microscope is about 1,000x do to the wavelengths of white light although some may be able to reach 2,000 with todays improved optics 32 UV microscopes can magnify over 2,000 as a result of the shorter wavelength of UV light versus white light and electron microscopes can magnify 33. Atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopes can magnify in the hundreds of millions and possibly a billion times 34 Many trillions of transgenic organisms have been made,mostly plants and animals, for example herbicide resistant com hundreds of thousands of times

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