Make a two nursing diagnosis and two nursing care plans(1 actualand 1 potential nursing diagnosis) about the patient case scenariobelow.
Patient: ARA
A 26 year old Ara, gravida 3, para 0111, at 35 2/7 weeks’gestation, (height 5 ft 4 in, weight 130 lb) was transported to atertiary academic medical center from an outlying facility. Thefather of the infant found the woman unresponsive in her home 4hours prior to arrival at the hospital. Using the woman’sglucometer, the significant other found that the capillary bloodglucose level of the woman was 13 mg/dL and immediately calledemergency. Glucagon was given intravenously by a paramedic en routeto the referring hospital, but the woman did not regainconsciousness. The woman had 2 seizures en route to the referringhospital and had 3 additional seizures in their emergencydepartment. At the referring hospital, the woman received Ativanand was placed on the paralytic agent vecuronium. The referringhospital intubated the woman for airway management and initiatedtreatment with magnesium sulfate for seizure prophylaxis.
Admission vital signs were as follows: blood pressure, 179/100;pulse, 137; respirations, 12; and temperature 36.0 C, The woman wasnonresponsive to either verbal or deep pain stimuli. The woman’sgag and corneal reflexes were both intact and pupils were equal,though with a sluggish response with initial Glasgow Coma Scale of3/15.
Follow the format for Nursing Care Plan Below
Patient’s Name: |
Actual/ Provisional Diagnosis: |
Nursing Problem: |
Assessment |
Nursing Diagnosis |
Outcomes /Objectives |
Nursing Interventions |
Rationale |
Evaluation |
Subjective Data: Objective Data: |
(PES) |
(SMART) Long Term Objective Short term Objectives |
OM(idc)E |
(Rationale for each Intervention) |
References: (Book, Author, Page Number ofInterventions and rationales) |