Margaret is a first-semester nursing student who isdoing her clinical rotation in an assisted-living care facility.She is assigned to Mr. Alfred Smith, an 81-year-oldAfrican-American male who has dementia. Mr. Smith’s family could nolonger take care of him at home because he became combative in theevenings as a result of the effects of sundowner’ssyndrome.

to preserve his safety, Mr. Smith now lives on thelocked unit at the assisted-living facility where one or moremembers of his immediate and extended family come to visit everyday. In addition, Mr. Smith’s great niece, Harriet, works at thesame facility and checks on Mr. Smith during each of hershifts.

2- Because of Mr. Smith’s progressing dementia, hehas difficulty feeding himself. When Margaret prompts him to eathis oatmeal at breakfast, he just stares at his spoon. Margaretpicks up his spoon and wraps his hand around the handle. For whichpsychomotor learning skill is Margaret trying to retrain Mr.Smith?

Please describe it in details?

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