Marie St. Jaques is a 70 year old widow who lives with herdaughter, son-in-law and 4 grandchildren. Her history includeshypertension and was recently diagnosed with non-insulin dependentdiabetes. She is within her proper weight and BMI. When discussingher diet she tells you that she cooks mostly Haitian food andsometimes mainstream American cuisine. Her focus is on quantitybecause, as she says, “I have to feed those kids” and “no meal isreal without rice, that starts with breakfast, lunch and dinner”and “In my culture we all the same thing, not like Americans whoare so picky”. She says that liberally uses salt and fries herfoods. She does eat many fruits and vegetables which she gets ather green grocer, which her daughter drives her two or three timesper week. She adds, “My vegetable store sells rice that I like in50 pound bags”.
1. Identify 2 strategies to motivate her to change her diethabits.
2. Sate 3 Teaching-Learning Objectives to help her control herdiabetes.