Mary is a resident in a refuge for women and children. Herhusband has threatened her life and the life of her son and she hasbeen granted a violence restraining order.
Her 10-year-old son, Frederick, is very angry about beingseparated from his father.
Frederick approaches Beryl, a new part time refuge worker. Heconfides in her how much he misses his father and how desperatelyhe wants to see him, or even just talk to him. He persuades Berylto let him use the phone in the office to contact his father. Berylagrees as long as she remains in the office with him.
Frederick blurts out the address of the refuge before Beryl canstop him. She realises she will be in trouble from her supervisor,so she doesn’t say anything to her.
Later that night Jason, Frederick’s father, arrives at therefuge and attempts to break in. When Jason is questioned by thepolice, he tells them that Beryl let Frederick call him and tellhim the address. Beryl faces a severe reprimand from hersupervisor.
1) Describe one way that Beryl breached organisationalprocedures after the incident occurred.
2) When Frederick asked Beryl if he could use the phone, whatshould Beryl have realised Frederick would do? What policy wasbreached?
3) Give at least 4 examples of how Beryl could meet the legaland ethical requirements of collecting, using and storing Mary andFrederick’s information.
4) What should Beryl do when Frederick’s father arrives at therefuge and attempts to break in?