Matthew is a 16-year-old male who has lost 20 pounds in the lastfew months because it seems that everything he eats disagrees withhim. He used to love pizza, but now suffers from bloating,flatulence and diarrhea whenever he eats it. Hot dogs and evenranch dressing elicit the same symptoms. He can no longer toleratemilk. His mother is concerned because he seems pale and tired allthe time and no longer enjoys playing basketball at the park withhis brother. She makes an appointment with the family doctor whoruns a series of tests. The results show that Matthew has Celiacdisease and is now also anemic and lactose-intolerant.
Explain how Celiac disease is responsible for Matthew’s anemiaand lactose-intolerance, and potential outcomes of these conditionsif not treated. Discuss in your answer any impairments in digestionand absorption. Support your answer with data, facts, keyterminology, specific examples and other information drawn from thetextbook and at least one other supplemental source.