medical coding homework questions, answer code based on thefacility and principal diagnosis, please.
Gender: Female
Age: 36
- Reason for visit: daily headaches
- Assessment: likely migraines
- Plan: refer to neurologist for further testing andevaluation
Please assign the correct to ICD-10-CM code (s) for the clinicalcases.
Gender: Female
Age: 31
- Reason for visit: review lung X Ray
- Assessment: abnormal shadow, right lung, inferior lobe
- Plan: refer to pulmonologists
Please assign the correct to ICD-10-CM code (s) for the clinicalcases.
Gender: Female
Age: 30
- Reason for visit: LUQ paint and swelling increasing over thepast 3 days, indigestion
- Assessment: IV fluids, pain control, nasogastricsuctioning
- Discharge diagnosis: acute pancreatitis due to opioiddependence and intoxication
Please assign the correct to ICD-10-CM code (s) for the clinicalcases.
Emergency Department
Gender: Male
Age: 12
- Chief Complaint: “My son forgot that he is not supposed to eateggs and ate a hardboiled egg at his friend’s house.” He hasdiarrhea and vomiting for 4 hours
- Assessment: allergic gastroenteritis due to eggs
- Plan: Rx antiemetic, antidiarrheal
Please assign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for this clinicalcase.
Inpatient Hospital
Gender: Female
Age: 41
- Reason for admission: admitted from ED with severe and steadyabdominal pain, fever, excessive perspiration, T 101
- Treatment: IV antibiotics, fluids, colectomy
- Discharge diagnosis: generalized peritonitis due to E. Coli,irritable bowel syndrome
Please assign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for this clinicalcase.
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