Melanie Maloney has just taken a position as director of healthinformation services at the Any State University College ofVeterinary Medicine. The associate dean to whom she reports hasinformed her that the college is beginning work on the self-studyreport in preparation for an upcoming accreditation survey from theAVMA Council on Education (COE). To prepare for a discussion of theAVMA COE survey with the associate dean, Melanie decided to “dosome homework” by visiting the AVMA website to obtain insights intohow she might participate in the accreditation process. She findsthe COE manual at the AVMA website and locates information on theself-study report and a typical site visit schedule. Afterreviewing the information from the COE manual at the AVMA website,answer the following questions:
1. Discuss the COE standards with which Melanie will have to bemost familiar.
2. With which sections of the self-study might she assist?
3. How might she interact with the site visit team?
4. What issues might Melanie want to discuss with the associatedean to fully understand her role in the process?”