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minutes ASSIGNMENT 13.6 PROCEDURE CODE AND MODIFIER PROBLEMS Performance Objective Task: Locate the correct procedure code and modifiers, if necessary for each case scenario. Conditions: Use pen or pencil and Current Procedural Terminology code book. Standards: Time: Accuracy: (Note: The time element and accuracy criteria may be given by your instructor.) Directions: Find the correct procedure codes and modifiers, if necessary. This assignment will reinforce what you have already learned about procedural coding because code numbers for the case scenarios presented are sections of the CPT code book. Also search for codes in the Medicine section, if necessary. 1. A new patient had five benign skin lesions on the right arm destroyed with surgical curettement. Complete the coding for the surgery. Code Number in all the a Description Level 3, detailed history and examination with low-complexity decision making, initial new patient office visit Destruction of five benign skin lesions rt arm b. 2. Mrs. Stayman had four moles on her back. Dr. Davis excised the multiple nevi in one Code Number a b. straightforward medical decision making the information on the pathology report Stew patient office visit after an expanded problem-focused history & examination and Stated nonmalignant lesions measuring 2.2 cm, 1.5 cm, 1 cm, and 0.75 cm. Description Initial OV Excision, benign lesion 2.2 cm Excision, benign lesion 1.5 cm Excision, benign lesion 1 cm Excision, benign lesion 0.75 cm C. d. e. In another case, if a patient required removal of a l-сm lesion on the back and a 0.5-cm lesion on the neck, the procedural codes would be for the back lesion and for the neck lesion
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