Mitch is about to begin his first interviewfor a nursingposition at a respected hospital. He feels confident in his abilityto secure the position because he has researched the organization,prepared to answer difficult questions(as well as some questions ofhis own), arrived 5 minutes early, and made sure his appearance wasprofessional and appropriate. As he entersthe interviewer’s office,he smiles and shakes the recruiter’s hand. During the interview therecruiter excuses herslf several times to answer the phone and thenleaves the office for 15 minutes to handle a situation. During theabsence Mitch reviews his questions. Answer the followingquestions: A. What do you think about how Mitch approached theinterview? What could he have done differently? B. During theinterview the recruiter asked Mitch about his weaknesses. Below aresome possible responses. Discuss the pros and cons of eachresponse: 1. I have not had much nursing experience, but given theright opportunity, I think this weakness would quickly diaappear.2. I spend a lot of free time researching information onexperiences in the clinical setting that are new to me. 3. I spenda lot of time interacting with my patients C. The recruiter alsoasked Mitch about his long-term future plans. Which of thefollowing responses is the most appropriate and why? 1. I plan oncontinuing my educationtoward a graduate degree so I can becomeself-employed. 2. I plan on gaining confidence an my role andexpanding my knowledge of the nursing care required for thisposition. 3. I plan on gaining experience and knowledge to supportthe organization’s goal of achieving Magnet status.

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