Module 3: Assignment
This is a professional paper in which headings, full sentences,paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, and correct citationof sources are required.
Application of Theory to Research:
Find two published, original sources in whichresearchers used the theory as a framework, and/or the concept ofinterest to support their research. These articles must havebeen published within the past 10 years. Discuss how thoseresearchers utilized the theory (and/or the concept of interest) tosupport their research. Include in the discussion of each study thepurpose of the study, how the researchers used the theory in theirstudy, how the researchers used the concept of interest in theirstudy, and how the researchers theoretically and operationallydefined the concept of interest
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Module 3: Assignment
This is a professional paper in which headings, full sentences,paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, and correct citationof sources are required.
Application of Theory to Research:
Find two published, original sources in whichresearchers used the theory as a framework, and/or the concept ofinterest to support their research. These articles must havebeen published within the past 10 years. Discuss how thoseresearchers utilized the theory (and/or the concept of interest) tosupport their research. Include in the discussion of each study thepurpose of the study, how the researchers used the theory in theirstudy, how the researchers used the concept of interest in theirstudy, and how the researchers theoretically and operationallydefined the concept of interest.
Style & Format:
The paper will be written using APA standards. Thepaper will include a title page (using specified format), 2-3 pagesof text, and a reference list. It will be double-spaced, written in12-point Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch margins.Professional and orderly presentation of ideas (precision, clarity,format, headings, grammar, spelling, & punctuation) withappropriate citation of sources in text and reference list isrequired. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type ofgrammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error.