Mr. A. K is a 26 year old man, who presented at the emergencydepartment with complaints of malaise, myalgia, headache, fever andChills for four (4 ) days . Physical examination revealed anacutely ill young man who complained of severe abdominal painAbdominal examination revealed a soft tender spleen that isslightly enlarged..Blood Pressure (BP) is 1 10/70 mmHg,Pulse is 120beats/minute,Temperature is 400C,Laboratory findingsinclude:,Hemoglobin ( Hb) I lg/d L ( normal is 12- 16g/d L ),WhiteBlood Cell (WBC) count is 3,300 cells/mm3 (normal 4,000to 1 1,000),Urine analysis reveal: Trace amount of albumin,BloodFilm reaveal:,Malaria parasites present with ++
A. Classify Mr. A.K’s malaria and explain why.
(3 marks)
B. How would you treat this type of malaria?
(4 marks)
C. What are three (3) vital signs to monitor to ascertain thatA.K is improving? (3 marks)A. Classify Mr. A.K’s malaria andexplain why. B. How would you treat this type ofmalaria? C. What are three (3) vital signs tomonitor