Mr Bashir is 40 year old adult.
who has type 1 dibetes mellitus and his history showe that he isnon adherent to antibiotics medication due to which he has poorglycemic control.
recently he was be admitted in the emergency department for hiscomplication.
the blood test revealed
sodium level of 134m Eq/L .
potassium level 4.3 mEq/L
chloride level 100mEq/L
megnesium =2.7mEq/L
uric acid =8mg/dl
nitrogen level=58 mg/dl
creatinine =3mg/dl
urinalysis showed a positive test for albuminuria ,Rbc andcasts.
peripral edema and pulmonary congestion also eviden.
*What bashir is currently suffering from and how cantreat this condition.
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