Mr. Hibiscus a 45-year-old man has been admitted to the hospitalwith suspected Diverticular Disease. He complains of constantconstipation and intermittent abdominal pain. Vital signs: Temp101°F (38.3°C), HR 114 bpm, RR 26, BP 92/58. Orders: analgesics andantispasmodics, IVF, nasogastric suctioning.
Explain the pathophysiology of Diverticular Disease.
What are the most common causes of Diverticular Disease?
How do the results of Mr. Hibiscus’ laboratory values relate tothe pathophysiology of Diverticular Disease?
What tests may be used to confirm the diagnosis in thisclient?
Describe the clinical manifestations that may be noted inDiverticular Disease.
Explain the rationale behind the treatment ordered for thispatient citing examples as necessary.
What complications can occur with Diverticular Disease?
Based on the assessment data presented, what are three prioritynursing diagnoses?
Based on the assessment data presented, what are the prioritynursing interventions for effective management of Mr.Hibiscus.?