Mr. Patrick, a 31-year-old man presents to the hospital withunintentional weight loss and also complained of feeling tired allthe time. He is married and currently has no kids. He requests aseries of tests after admission and the results are pending. Hedoesn’t want his wife to know about the results when they areavailable believing he has the right to confidentiality.
In a write-up, please;
- PART 1 – Include an introduction of the case and your proposalas well as analysis.
- PART 2 –
a. With the inclusion of who it pertains to as well as in whatways, give a critical analysis and discuss the case
b. Use information on legal and ethicalissues/perspectives/arguments to support or argue against yourstance and critically analyze your points
- PART 3 – Break down how your discussion and issues areapplicable to work. Also, suggest how the issues can be resolved inyour practice.
- PART 4 (conclusion) – Provide an overview of yourdiscussion/viewpoint and summarize how legal and ethical issuesplay a role in your profession, difficulties as well as how you’veaddressed them.
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