Mr. Rodriquez is a 65 year old Spanish speaking man whopresents to
ED with his wife Rosa. Mrs. Rodriquez is also Spanishspeaking, understand and speak some English. Mr. Rodriquezcomplains of nausea and vomiting for two days and currently hassigns and symptoms of confusion. His blood glucose is 724 mg/dl. IVregular insulin is prescribed and he will be admitted forfurther
tests and evaluation. His new diagnosis of diabetes willrequire ion.
Once admitted to the unit Mr. Rodriquez’s labs becomeavailable for review. His Hgb AlC is 10.3%. Mr. Rodriquez is 5’9″and weighs 164 pounds. He reports no form of regular exercise anddoes not follow any type of special diet. He states “my wife is avery good cook
and I eat whatever she makes”. Upon further questioningwith
. Rodriquez she states she has noticed her husband being morethirsty lately and is up and down to the bathroom frequently.
Mr. Rodriquez’s history consists of being a smoker for 35years smoking approx. 1 pack one pack per day. He reports alcoholintake as minimal 2-4 drinks per week, usually beer. Mr. Rodriquezrecently retired this year, but previously worked 30+ years at afactory working the night shift. His family history consists of hisfather
(deceased) with diabetes and a sister (age 58) with diabetesand sion.
Read, research, and answer the following questions:
7.What are some long-term complications ofdiabetes?
8. What will you expect the dietary recommendations to befor
this patient?
9. How might culture influence Mr. Rodriquez’s diabetes
management in terms of diet, food choices, exercise, and
10. Discuss how you would educate this patient on properfoot
care and why is this Important for this patient?
11 . Does Mr. Rodriquez need to manage his diabetesdifferently
on days he is ill? If so, how would educate him to doso?
12. How would you discuss and educate Mr. and Mrs.Rodriquez
on lifestyle changes regarding his new diagnosis basedon
what you know about his current habits, diet, etc.?
13. What impact does alcohol have on a diabetic?
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