Ms Clapton is a 94-year-old woman who lives alone. Ms Clapton isin excellent health and enjoys being able to maintain herindependence. Ms Clapton has been visited weekly by a home supportworker for over ten years, to assist her with general householdcleaning and maintenance, and complete her weekly grocery shopping.Sara is a support worker and has been asked to take on the casemanagement of Ms Clapton. Sara reads Ms Clapton’s individual planand case notes completed by the previous worker. The plan says thatMs Clapton was a gourmet chef for fifty years, working all over theworld, specifically in Paris. Ms Clapton has been retired for threedecades now, but still prepares nutritious gourmet meals forherself and her family when they visit. Ms Clapton enjoys cookingfor leisure and is interested in taking Asian cooking classes ather local community centre to socialise with others who have thesame interests.
Sarah visits Ms Clapton in her home. Ms Clapton lives in athree-storey home overlooking the ocean, with a large spiralstaircase winding up the middle of the house. Ms Clapton is happyto see Sarah and in preparation for her visit, has made a batch ofvanilla bean French macarons to enjoy while she is there. Over acup of tea and a macaron, Ms Clapton tells Sarah that it isprobably time for her to downsize and move into a smaller home thatdoesn’t have stairs.
Whilst discussing Ms Clapton’s support needs, Sarah noticesthree urns sitting on Ms Clapton’s mantelpiece. When she asks MsClapton about the urns, she tells Sarah that inside are the ashesto her three French poodles who all passed away at various times inthe last five years. Ms Clapton tells Sarah that the poodles werelike children to her and that she misses them dearly. Ms Claptonkeeps a photo album containing pictures of her dogs on the coffeetable at all times to reminisce. Before Sarah leaves, Ms Claptonasks if Sarah would accept a $50 voucher for a local departmentstore that her granddaughter gave her, but that Ms Clapton does notintend on using.
1. How could Sarah implement Ms Clapton’s individual plan in away that supports Ms Clapton’s strengths, interests andself-determination and allows Mrs Clapton dignity of risk?
2. In order to maintain practice standards how should Sarahensure she respects Ms Clapton’s home and personal space whileproviding her with support? Outline four actions Sarah should takein your answer.
3. Describe the duty of care Sarah owes to Ms Clapton.
4. How could Sarah demonstrate respect and sensitivity to MsClapton in her home? Briefly outline five actions Sarah should takein your answer.