Ms. Diana is a 43 years old married woman with 2 kids aged 8 and5 years old. Ms. D is an accountant and she works at a companywhere most of her day involves sitting behind a desk. During herday at work, she is barely active and she always takes theelevator.
Ms. D has a housekeeper who deals with all house chores, groceryshopping and cooking. After work, Ms. D comes back home around 6,sits a bit with the kids and read to them in bed. After that, shespends some time with her husband while watching their favoriteshow.
Ms. D currently weighs 85 kgs and her height is 175 cm. For thepast four months, she noticed that she has been gaining weight at arate of approximately 2 kg/month.
She also noticed that for the last couple of months, they hadlots of events at work that involved some celebrations andtrainings where food was offered and mostly consisted ofsandwiches, cookies, doughnuts, cakes, and soft drinks. She alsoobserved that she has been having either microwaved popcorn or somechips while watching her favorite night show.
Ms. D decides that she wants to lose the gained weight andtherefore, enrolls at the gym and attends cardio classes 3 days aweek for a 45 min duration.
Please answer the following questions and show all yourcalculations:
- What is Ms. D’s current BMI? (1 point)
- How yould you classify Ms. D’s BMI? Are there any risksassociated with this BMI? (1 point)
- What is the amount of extra Kcal that Ms. D has been ingestingeveryday for her weight to increase at the specified rate? (1point)
- How can you describe Ms. D’s lifestyle? In particular, discussher NEAT and exercise. (1 points)
- What are a few strategies that you would recommend for Ms. D tohelp her lose weight? (1 points)