Ms. George, a 66-year-old Aboriginal woman who has had diabetesfor 35 years, requires an above-the-knee amputation of the left legas a result of severe ulcers and gangrene. She has a supportivefamily. She refuses to have the operation, stating, “I was bornwith two legs, and I’ll die and be buried with two legs!” Duringher preoperative visit, you clarify the rationale for surgery, thepositive and negative consequences of her decision, answer herquestions, and attempt to alleviate her fears. She is informed andunderstands the information given. She continues to refuse surgery.Her family says she is irrational, and her wishes must beoverruled. They want her to have the surgery


  1. Demonstrate the ability to apply an ethical decision-makingframework to evaluate and solve an ethical dilemma
  2. Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise an ethicaldilemma using relevant ethical theories and principles
  3. Identify the link between ethical and legal analysis of anethical dilemma
  4. Understand the purpose and function of ethics committees
  5. Articulate the importance of values and values clarificationwhen discussing ethical dilemmas

Parts of the Assignment:

Part 1 – Team Written Presentation Prep – Worth15%

This part of the assignment is the prep work. This is acollaborative effort. Your team will hand in the outline for yourpresentation including:

  1. Your case study with all the extra information you have addedto make the scenario richer and the roles more defined. This willinclude each team members role and what their perspective is forthis scenario.
  2. You will also include your analysis of the case following theformat used for Ethical Scenario Team Assignments:

Ethical Decision-Making Framework:

  1. Individually Reflect on the case and the commentary. Write downyour initial thoughts/reactions.

THEN as a team answer the following questionsand submit to this submission portal:

  1. Determine who is involved in the case. Name all the parties andtheir relationship to the patient.
  2. Describe the issue. What exactly is the problem or issue to besolved?
  3. Assess the situation. What are the team’s “perceptions” andreflections on the situation – in short form?
  4. Clarify values. What Ethical Values are involved in thisstory?
  5. Identify ethical principles involved in the case. You can useall your reading and resources to name them.
  6. Clarify legal rules. Are there any laws involved in thisstory?
  7. Explore options and alterntives. What are some of the optionsto solving this problem?
  8. Decide the course of action. As a team, come to a consensus onthe couse of action from your list.   


    1. Mandatory Role – Ethical Consultant:who will do the introduction of the case and introduction of theteam members. After all parties have presented their perspective,the consultant will wrap up the presentation by summarizing the keypoints from each member’s perspective. They will also render asuggested action. This action is decided before the presentation bythe team.
    2. Mandatory Role – There should be atleast 2 nurses present: One can be in a leadership role and one canbe in the patient care role.
    3. You could have a physician role
    4. You could have a spiritual leader role
    5. You could have an administrator role
    6. You could have a lawyer role on behalf of the hospital.
  9. You may need to develop the case scenario to provide morecontext. Add information to enhance the scenario. For example, youcan add details regarding cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs,specific personal values etc. as needed If you add details, pleaseensure you include them in your written submission.
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