Transcribed Image Text from this Question nodes/clinical procedures-theory-unit-cloned-1561041853/objectives/project-1-objective-839 . Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school Scenario You’re the lead medical assistant at a busy internal medicine office. The office manager informs you she has received numerous patient complaints. Patients are confused with the medical education they’re receiving from the medical assistants, which is leading to extreme frustration. The office manager inform you that a majority of the complaints are coming from patients who speak English as a second language. You decide to conduct an in-service for medical assistants to address this issue. Procedure Develop a handout for the in-service training. The handout should include tips on how to overcome language barriers when providing patient education. Use the template found at the end of this document to create your in-service handout. The template requires you to provide the following Information: Header Introduction . Five main topics on offective communication techniques for patients with language barriers . An explanation of why each communication technique is beneficial and an example on how each technique will improve patient and staff communication • Closing statement Complete the template according to the outlined instructions in each section 4 atv MacBook Air 888 0 F3 DU F2 38 F4 F5 F6 FB # $ % procedures-theory-unit-cloned-1561041853/objectives/project-1-objective-63 Complete the template according to the outlined instructions in each section Writing Guidelines 1. Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.) 2. Include the following information at the top of your paper: a. Name and complete mailing address b. Student number c. Course title and number (ALH 210 Clinical Procedures Theory) d. Graded project number (427692) 3. Read the assignment carefully and address the topic suggested. 4. Be specific. Limit your submission to the topic suggested. 5. Proofread your work carefully. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization Grading Criteria Your grade will be based on the following criteria: – Content 40 percent • Written communication 40 percent • Format 20 percent Here’s a belplanation of each of the points BV MacBook Air 80 888 go t F3 F G F5 DU 78 F2 # $ A 2 3 4 07 de & 7 6 8 Opportuniti X Barbara & David X American Sociex occupational nu X procedures-theory-unit-cloned-1561041853/objectives/project-1-objective { roman zu percam Here’s a brief explanation of each of these points. Exemplary Proficient Fair Not Evident Content Provides a clear discussion of five main topics Provides discussion of four or more main topics Provides a discussion of three or more main topics No discussion of the assigned topic Provides an explanation and example for each topic Attempts to provide explanations and Attempts to provido explanations and examples for each topic No evidence of explanations or examples examples for each topic Throughly addresses the subject in complete Sentences Stays somewhat focused on the assigned Issues Lackes focus on the assigned issues No evidence of focus throughout the assignment Stays focused on the assigned sus Writes in his or her own Writes in his or her own words No evidence of writing in his or her own words words Writos in his of her own words and Us quotation tv MacBook Air F1 80 F3 000 doo F4 DU F2 00 41 F5 FB American Socle X dent Our Opportunit x 1 Barbara & Davis x occupational X procedures-theory-unit-cloned-1561041853/objectives/project-1-objective-63974-cu Las P Written Communication Writers in paragraphs Includes an Introductory paragraph, body, and a concluding paragraph No paragraphs evident No paragraphs evident 1-2 mistakes in grammar spelling punctuation and sentence structure Uses correct grammar spelling punctuation and sentence structure 3-4 mistakes in grammar speling punctuation and sentence structure 5 or more mistakes in grammar Spelling. punctuation, and sentence structure Attempted organization No organization evident 1-2 typographical errors No organization evident 3-4 typographical errors 5 or more typographical orror Provides clear organization (for example us words like first however, on the other hand, and so on consequently incent and when Mikes sure the paper contains no typographical етов 4 v MacBook Air 999 80 F3 DU FB F4 F5 F7 History Bookmarks People Tab Window Help Our Opportuniti x Barbara & Davle American Societx occupational nu errors Format 1-2 mistakes in formatting 3 mistakes in formatting No formatting evident Document is double- spaced and typed in font size 12. It includes the required identifying information It includes the required identifying information It includes the required identifying information Doesn’t include the required identifying information IPLATE –Service Title Cer: Date -ert Introduction] sert Main Topic sert brief explanation and example for above topic.]
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