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Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation
Please analyze of an existing quality improvement initiative atyour workplace. Initiative you choose to analyze should be relatedto specific disease, condition, or public health issue of personalor professional interest to you.
Because nurses are critical to the delivery of high-quality,efficient health care, it is essential that they develop theproficiency to review, evaluate performance reports, and be able toeffectively communicate outcome measures related to qualityinitiatives. The nursing staff’s perspective and the need tocollaborate on quality care initiatives are fundamental to patientsafety and positive institutional health care outcomes.
Answer these questions too:
How does your organization manage and report on adverse eventsor near-miss incidents?
What data from your organization’s dashboards help informadverse events and near-miss incidents?
What additional metrics or technology are you aware of thatwould help ensure patient safety?
What changes would you like to see implemented to help theinterprofessional team better understand data use and data trendsas quality and safety improvement tools?
Some Links are below to help you to complete this task:
These resources explore how quality initiatives are applied inclinical settings.
Vachon, B., Desorcy, B., Gaboury, I., Camirand, M., Rodrigue,J., Quesnel, L., . . . Grimshaw, J. (2015). Combiningadministrative data feedback, reflection and action planning toengage primary care professionals in quality improvement:Qualitative assessment of short term program outcomes. BMC HealthServices Research, 15, 1-8.
Abdallah, A. (2014). Implementing quality initiatives inhealthcare organizations: Drivers and challenges. InternationalJournal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27(3), 166-181.
This article addresses competing quality improvement projects inorganizations.
Nyström, M. E., Garvare, R., Westerlund, A., & Weinehall, L.(2014). Concurrent implementation of quality improvement programs:Coordination or conflict? International Journal of Health CareQuality Assurance, 27(3), 190-208.
Benchmarks for Quality Indicators
These databases provide recognized benchmarks for qualityindicators.
Montalvo, I. (2007).The national database of nursing qualityindicators. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3), 1-11.
The Joint Commission. (2017). National patient safety goals.Retrieved from