New advances are constantly becoming standardized treatment fordisorders in all fields. Nurses, as well as others, mustincorporate these findings into interventions when delivering care.As an example, the Joint Commission has described an initiativeaddressing the fact that the United States ranks 65th amongindustrialized nations in terms of maternal death because of pooroutcomes, The Joint Commission evaluated expert literature todetermine what areas held the most potential impact. The literaturereview revealed that prevention, early recognition, and timelytreatment for maternal hemorrhage and severehypertension/preeclampsia had the most impact on decreasingcomplications. The Joint Commission has instituted 13 new elementsof performance that will be required of accredited hospitals.
Read the evidence reports that are presented in one of thearticles listed below about either pre-eclampsia or obstetrichemorrhage. For the complication that you select, identify threefindings that expand the information beyond yourtextbook.
Anderson, C. M., & Schmella, M. J. (2017). CE: Preeclampsia:Current Approaches to Nursing Management. (Links to an externalsite.)
The American Journal of Nursing, 17(11),30-38.
Dillard, A. C. (2017). Obstetric hemorrhage in the ruralemergency department: Rapid response. (Links to an externalsite.)
Journal of Emergency Nursing, 43(1), 15-20.