Nutrition Label Worksheet _______________
Using a food label of your choice, complete the followinginformation. If the food label does not contain a certain piece ofinformation- please write “NA” (not applicable) in the spaceprovided. Upload your label with the completed assignment.
Name of product_____________________________________________
Serving size_________________ Total number of servings _____________
Calories per serving___________ Total calories in ENTIRE PACKAGE __________
- With your label, find the following information about themacronutrients.
Total Grams of carbohydrate perserving _______
Total Grams of added sugarperserving _______
Total Grams of fiber perserving _______
Total Grams of protein perserving _______
Total Grams of fat perserving _______
- On your label, list the first 3 main ingredients
- Choose one ingredient of concern. What are the concerns/dangersof this ingredient?
- Each of these nutrients supplies energy. Calculate the Caloriccontent from each nutrient, and then determine the total Caloriesper serving.
______ Grams of carbohydrate x 4Calories/gram = ______Carb Calories
_____ Grams of protein x 4Calories/gram = _____Protein Calories
_____ Grams of fat x 9Calories/gram = ______Fat Calories
______ TotalCalories
- How does this match up with the total number of Caloriesper serving listed on the nutrition label?
- Now calculate the percent of Calories coming from each of theenergy nutrients for a serving of this food. Use the Calories fromthe above calculations. Note that the sum of the percentages fromcarbohydrates, protein and fat should add up to approximately100%.
CarbCalories x 100 = __________% of Calories from carbs
Total Calories
Protein Calories x 100 = __________% of Calories from protein
Total Calories
Fat Calories x 100 = __________% of Calories from fat
- How is the %calories from nutrients different than the%DV?
- Look over the nutrition facts. Would you consider this foodnutrient dense OR empty calorie? Why?
- Are there any nutrient claims on your food product? Ifso, what are they and what are they referring to? (refer to chapter2 for definitions)
- Based off your observations of the food label and ingredients,would you continue to eat this food?